About Us
Alvin Liu has been growing carnivorous plants since he was six years old and can directly attribute his interest in CPs to David Attenborough’s The Private Life of Plants. His journey originally started with a Sarracenia hybrid (which is no longer with us, unfortunately), but he did not start to seriously collect plants until 2013 or so. Although he was initially interested in Nepenthes, his primary focus is now Sarracenia, of which he collects both species and hybrids; S. flava, S. leucophylla, and S. x moorei are some of his favorites. His collection consists mostly of Drosera, Sarracenia, and Nepenthes, with a relatively even split between temperate and tropical plants. He hopes that you will find this site useful, interesting, and entertaining!
Dan DiPietro began growing carnivorous plants when he was fifteen years old after being introduced by Alvin. His journey originally began with a small pot of D. capensis... years later, Drosera remains his favorite genus. Dan focuses on tropical plants; he grows primarily Heliamphora, Drosera, and Highland Nepenthes, with his collection containing hundreds of species. Though his tastes are far too fickle for a favorite plant, he really likes D. graomogolensis, U. alpina, N. macrophylla, and all Petiolaris complex Drosera. Dan hopes that this website can become a widely used educational resource while also being entertaining and enjoyable to read.